Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years Resolutions for 2013

What the pho is wrong with me? I can not keep up with a simple blog to save my life. So here's to starting up again with my New Years Resolutions. 

1.) On the top of my list is the ever most popular,yet the most unachievable... lose weight.
But mine will be more realistic. There is no set-in-stone number I need to get to. Just to be happy and proud of my body. I know I'll never be the skinniest, I won't have the body of a Victoria's Secret Angel, but if I can feel like a million bucks, then I'm golden
With that, I hate punishing myself for eating things that I think are DELICIOUS. I love bread. I love desserts.   I love me some damn potatoes. So why hate myself for being happy for a moment? I think my resolution for this is just to eat what I want, but control how much. It's all about proportions. So I will have my cake [and bread.and potatoes] and eat it too :)

2.) Walk my dogs more often
Since getting Cruz, I've realized a percentage of what having a baby will be like one day - a little monster that is dependent on me for everything. I hate letting the little guy down. So I'm going to try to be an even better mommy. 

3.) Cook more often.
Some how, as a kid, my mom worked 6 days a week, raised 4 kids and had dinner on the table every night. Realistically, I know that's not going to happen. Not overnight anyway, but I've got to start somehow! and 2013 will be my start... with probably 2 nights a week, and gradually work my way up to super-mom... but without the children. haha

4.) Stress less! 
 I'm just a big ball of stress that will one day implode. I need to find what will calm my ass down and do it more often. Yoga? Shopping? Getting my nails did? whatever, just do it and stop worrying about the little things//things you can't change. 

5.) Blog more
I would like it to be informative blog posts, but seeing how my last stint went, I don't see me keeping up with this one. If I can't think of anything informative, than I need to just post anything. Just as long as I keep in the groove of things, then things will come more naturally. 

6.) Take more pictures... and then post them! 
Once upon a time [about 2003] I was given my first digital camera. I took more pictures than you would believe. but then...who knows. Life got in the way and now it's rare that you'll find a picture of me. 
I do take a lot of pictures//videos for the Hurricanes, but not so much of my personal life. but when I do!! ... I don't post them -__- haha It's not just for my pleasure though. I have a lot of pictures of other people and their memories and I'm just a picture whore who keeps them all to myself. 

7.) Take more time to be Me. 
Last year, I came to the realization that I don't live my life for me. I live to make others happy. In the end, all I'll have is me, so I need to nurture myself like a delicate souffle. 

 8.) ....Be more of a Girl.
This one I actually am dreading. So I hang around probably 90% guys. I also co-own my own flower shop. I am the Team Mom to a highly demanding softball team. Who the hell has time to put make-up on, dress cute, have my nails done, hair did on a daily basis?? I certainly don't. but I think this will help with my self image. I'll definitely try harder. 

I believe that is it. Here's to 2013! Let's hope for health, happiness and a little more money in my pocket. [but not a little more. how about a lot more] 

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